Brianna and Thomas Married in the Foothills of the Smoky Mountains

Brianna and Thomas – June 17, 2019

Brianna was as sweet as her southern accent, and Thomas was extra excited to get married today. Brianna’s mother created florals, and her sister styled her hair and makeup. They made it in before the crazy storms although they did have to deal with a little muggy weather. Congratulations Brianna and Thomas!!

From the Bride:
Thomas actually sent me a message on Instagram and said that we had some mutual friends and that he could tell I really loved the Lord and he really wanted to get to know me. Our first official date was at Starbucks. We sat there for almost three hours just chatting about life. Towards the end, he went to Petco with me to pick up some dog food. Him being willing to go do errands with me on our first date showed his sweet, gentle character. 

Thomas proposed one night after I got off work. He knows I hold a special place in my heart for desserts, and he always is bringing me goodies to come home to. Well, he had dinner set up along with some sweets from our local bakery. After dinner, he brought the box of sweets in and said “you deserve something good after your day.” He let me open the box, and inside were some macaroons, brownies, cookies, and a pink ring box! The rest is history! My ring is actually his grandmothers ring. They have been married for 64 years!

We chose Tennessee because we wanted a very small, intimate wedding with just our families. Neither one of us are very big into being the center of attention, but we didn’t want to just run to the court house. We both love the mountains so when we found Chapel in the Hollow it was a perfect fit! What I looked forward to most on our wedding day was getting to be together with both our families and getting to commit to one another through Christ. We chose our wedding day because we started dating on October 17th last year. His grandparents also were married on the 17th day of March. Endless to say the 17th is a good day. 

Our typical date night is going to Outback for dinner and just getting to spend quality time talking. We have two dogs Gracie and Rose that we spend a lot of time with. We also like to have game nights at home!

Hair and Makeup: Haleigh and Becky Lewis
Chapel Florals: Melissa Timm Designs
Florals: Becky Lewis
Invitations: Shutterfly
Rings: Jewelry Wholesale
Dress: David’s Bridal
Jewelry: Grandparents
Photography: Star Noir Studio
Venue: Chapel in the Hollow 865-696-5348