Tag Archives: smoky mountain wedding chapels

Nicole and Matt’s Mountain Wedding

Nicole and Matt November 16, 2019 Yesterday, Nicole and Matt came to blend their lives and their families. Their children were super sweet, and you’d think they had been together forever. These two love the mountains so much that they moved to Knoxville recently, and we’re so glad they found us! They did something new...

Tim and Kim’s Winter Wonderland Wedding

Tim and Kim November 13, 2019 Tim contacted me a week before their wedding asking about November 13th for a wedding, and we got everything squared away to proceed with the big day. As the date drew closer, he expressed some understandable concerns about the cold and the weather. I advised him to sit back...

Shelley and Matthew’s East Tennessee Elopement

Shelley and Matthew November 3, 2019 Shelley and Matthew brought their two children for our second elopement on November 3rd. These two were high school sweethearts, and they’ve been together 13 years! They battled the chill to get some fabulous photos, and the kiddos were troopers. Congratulations Shelley and Matthew!! From the Bride: We met...

Melinda and Dewayne’s Fall Family Wedding

Melinda and Dewayne November 3, 2019 Melinda and Dewayne’s wedding was all about family. She brought her daughter, son-in-law, and their adorable children for our first ceremony on November 3rd. Love is always a blessing, but these two seemed to be even more excited than most of our couples! Melinda and Dewayne are both super...

Megan and Ryan’s East Tennessee Elopement

Pros and Cons of Outdoor Weddings

Megan and Ryan November 1, 2019 Our second wedding on November 1st was Megan and Ryan’s elopement. This was our second time meeting them, and we enjoyed them just as much this go round! Megan is luminescent and Ryan just basked in her glow. I think you’re going to be as blown away by these...

chapelinthehollow@gmail.com 865-696-5348