Haley and Clayton – November 15, 2020
Covid Friendly Intimate Wedding
Haley and Clayton joined us for our first covid friendly intimate wedding today amidst a crazy downpour. The rain started backing off before too long, and left us with a beautiful setting for a wedding! Haley’s fluffy dress had layers and layers of loveliness that looked amazing on her, and Clayton chose a very dashing look that reminded me of a gentleman from the 1800s. She incorporated some fun Scottish aspects into their details to represent his Scottish heritage. These two were soooo sweet together. Congratulations, Haley and Clayton!!
From the Bride:
Clayton and I met online in 2016 on OkCupid. He swears he messaged me first but I still argue that I did. What I do know is our “match percentage” was 98% and I can still recall the picture he used for his profile because he made such an impression.
The first date was like seeing your childhood best friend for the first time since they grew up – comfortable, easy, sweet, but with instant chemistry. He took me out to dinner first which went by too quickly, so, we walked around the outside mall and got truffles at DeBrand Chocolates and window shopped at Von Maur in the home decor section to compare tastes. I IMMEDIATELY knew he was special. After telling my mom the details, she swore I was going to marry him. Turns out we were both right! Our time didn’t start immediately though and we didn’t start dating for another year, but, the rest is history and here we are! 🙂 Side note, even a year later he remembered the shirt I wore on our first date and pointed it out the next time he saw me in it.
He proposed. Initially, he wanted to do something grand and spectacular. After getting to know me and my preferences he muted it down for my comfort level – it was still spectacular though! We were on a weekend trip to the Herrington Inn and Spa in Geneva, IL. While walking around the park before dinner with friends, he stopped to show me his new tobacco pipe he had purchased. On the stem of it was my engagement ring (I don’t even remember which pipe it was to this day because all I saw was sparkles). While on one knee, he asked me to rule the galaxy with him as husband and wife.
Originally, we were planning a wedding in Indiana with our family and friends. After 2020 put us through the ringer, we were losing site of the importance of the wedding and wanted to enter the next chapter with something more intimate.
I’m most looking forward to seeing the look on his face when he sees me in my wedding dress for the first time. Knowing the next time I walk down that aisle it will be as Mrs. McConahay.
Originally we were to get married on Friday, November 13th – some people see it as bad luck, I saw it as a challenge and the date spoke to me for some reason. Since the 13th wasn’t available, we kept the 13 by having the ceremony at 1:30 pm.
I’m a psych nurse and Clayton works in production for GM but was a corrections officer – our career history gives us an appreciation and perception of the world that most people don’t have. We find joy in all the small things like the crunch of leaves under your feet, the smell of rain, etc. We enjoy being outside and respecting nature. Clayton is very involved in the tobacco pipe community and loves old music (old soul). Both of us are HUGE animal lovers and spoil our fur babies like they’re children. I enjoy reading and being near water of any sort.

Dress: Unforgettable by Young from Brides by Young – Indianapolis
Menswear: Joseph Abboud from Men’s Wearhouse
Shoes:Old Navy
Rings: Peter Franklin Jewelers and Staghead Designs
Hair and Makeup: Bride
Officiant: Penny Montefusco
Videography/Photography: Star Noir Studio
Venue: Chapel in the Hollow
Are you trying to plan a covid friendly intimate wedding? We would love to help you celebrate!! Check out our pricing and availability to see if we would be a good fit for you.